地震光 英文

本影片主要介紹地震的英文怎麼說BY 每日一句學英文每日一句英文你知道地震的英文是 earthquake ˋɝθkwek earth 地球 quake 搖動 嗎. Latest news and in-depth analyses on Japanese politics business crimetechnology society and culture from Okinawa to Fukushima to Tokyotranslated into English from the.

天空驚現 地震雲 花蓮真的震了 台灣英文新聞 2018 12 16 11 54 00

睿譯 in Translation 翻譯新鮮事 2016-05-13 0 Comment 2016512 全台天搖地動上午11時17分台灣東部外海發生芮氏規模58地震宜蘭縣南澳最大震度6級.

地震光 英文. 地震 earthquake 也常用 quake 取代而測量地震強度大小的單位是用 Richter magnitude scale 芮氏地震規模或簡稱 magnitude 如下句. There is no consensus what the phenomenon causes are or even whether it is a single phenomenon or several. We Have got 6 pics about 地震光 英文 images.

地震观测网的英文翻译地震观测网英文怎么说怎么用英语翻译地震观测网地震观测网的英文意思地震觀測網的英文地震观测网 meaning in English地震觀測網的英文地震观测网怎么读发音例句用法和解释由查查在线词典提供版权所有违者必究. Seismic coda wave is the tail portion of the earthquake record after main arrivals. Your 地震光 英文 pic are geared up in this page.

這個城市慘遭震度 76 級地震襲擊造成至少 700 人喪生. An earthquake light is a luminous aerial phenomenon that reportedly appears in the sky at or near areas of tectonic stress seismic activity or volcanic eruptions. 手套 gloves ɡlʌvz急救箱 first-aid kit fɝsteɪd kɪt瓶裝水.

Making an approach to the analog filter in seismometer s. 希平方學英文 內所有資料之著作權所有權與智慧財產權包括翻譯內容程式與軟體均為 希平方學英文 所有須經希平方學英文同意合法才得以使用. 卤素也具有吸收紫外线和分解快这两种特性 到沪江小D查看地震能量吸收的英文翻译 翻译推荐 地震地质的英文怎么说 地震次生灾害的英文怎么说 地震用英语怎么.

3 seismometer 英 saizmɔmitə 美 saɪzmɑmətɚ 地震仪. Studies on the coda usually focus on high-frequency data within several hours after regional events and attribute them to the scattering effect of the heterogeneities inside the earth. 美國阿拉斯加的安克拉治發生7級大地震造成當地的基礎建設和道路嚴重損壞地震新聞經常出現在國際新聞中本文將介紹一些地震相關的英文字讓讀者學會看懂地震新聞還可以掌握多益關鍵字 地震襲擊 首先地震襲擊最常用到的動詞為hit或strike和颱風侵襲的用法相同也可用比較生.

首次上稿 1909更新時間 2037全台有感南投縣仁愛鄉今天晚上6點41分發生芮氏規模56地震地震深度469公里屬淺層地震中央氣象局地震測報中心. BY 每日一句學英文每日一句英文你知道地震的英文是 earthquake ˋɝθkwek earth 地球 quake 搖動 嗎. View 16 地震光 英文.

The city was badly shaken by a 76-magnitude quake that killed at least 700 people. 1 light spot seismograph. 地震發生後政府單位一定會建立庇護所來安置災民庇護所英文是shelter n常用於animal shelter動物收容所homeless shelter遊民收容所等 The government set up emergency shelters for people whose homes were damaged during the quake政府為地震住家受損災民設立緊急庇.

地震的相關英文用語 By IAM. Get all royalty-free picture. You can Get the 地震光 英文 here.

光是以吸收的形式衰减 Halogens also have the necessary absorption in the ultraviolet and rapid dissociation. Dìzhèn 地球物理 earthquake. 4if an earthquake struck 如果發生地震時 5an earthquake suddenly occurred 突然發生地震 6a massive earthquake hit the city 劇烈的地震襲擊這座城市 massive a大規模的巨大的 7The institute was established to help earthquake victims rebuild their homes.

地震光 英文 are a topic that is being searched for and favored by netizens now. 地震的英文翻译 dìzhèn 地球物理 earthquake.

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墨西哥西南部7 0強震 地震光 狂閃超嚇人 民視新聞網

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